Tuesday 27 November 2012

Its my birthday today & I've donated to an awesome Charity Oceanites!

Its my 33rd birthday today...

And I have donated today to an awesome Charity Oceanites so if you'd like to send a birthday wish and protect the wildlife in Antarctica, and help make my birthday wish come true.. please click here! 

100% of the funds raised go towards the preservation of Antarctica and its wildlife to ensure its remains the most pristine corner of the world! Here are some pics of the wildlife on Antarctica

It's only 9:30m and it has already been amazingly special! Started early with hills training at 4:45am - I JUST LOVE RUNNING ;) And since 6 am just been receiving calls, smss, a precious video clip of my nephew singing Happy Birthday, whatsapps, FB messages...feeling absolutely blessed out of my socks and totally content!

Thanks for your wishes!

15 weeks to go...to a dream come true! Antarctica here I come!

Well with 15 weeks to go to my 7 x 7 Adventure (A marathon on each continent) this week included.....

Target update!

I have reached 12% of my fundraising target to get an Antarctica marathon entry!
If you would like to contribute to help me make this 7 x 7 dream a reality, please do by clicking on the link below:

http://www.givengain.com/activist/74673/projects/4110/ (in Rands for users around the world!)

http://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/larak/larakruiskampsfundraisingpage (in US $ for international supports only not South African supporters)

The week I attended a wedding and a funeral - both good reminders to live life to the fullest with meaning and love and good relationships, you never know when your time on earth is up!
Sadly the global statistic is that only 20% of people are truly living their passions and purpose and reaching their potential they were blessed with! Get out there, experiment and do what you love and change the world around you!

Monday 19th November 2012 - REST after an amazing wedding & social weekend ;)

Tuesday 20th November 2012 - 6km speedwork 5 x yasso 800m 
Every Tuesday a couple of the Dolphin Striders head for our local shopping centre car park and turn it into a speed track from 5am - 6:30am! Tammy and I did 5 x 800m! I really enjoy the speed work!
It was great to be back into the running after a break after having gastro for a full week!

Wednesday 21st November 2012 - rest & kitchen renovations!
I didn't run today, but my running partner Harry did and he didn't do any ordinary run, he ran THE ANTARCTIC ICE MARATHON! Harry is 71 and completed the 42km marathon on Antarctica on this day! He is a true inspiration! Well done Harry! I will be in Antarctica for a marathon in just 3 months time if I achieve my fundraising targets! So exciting!

Harry Botha, 71 completed the Antarctic Ice Marathon 21 Nov 2012

Harry's home for the week in Antarctica - how incredible!

Thursday 22nd November 2012 - 8km boardwalk and road run in 54 mins
What an awesome morning! Sarah and I ran a good pace 8km, we averaged 6:46min/km with our fastest km being 6:05mins and our max speed 5:16 min/km! Sarah was definitely pulling me, but it was great to pick up my pace a bit! It was a lovely overcast cool morning and the sea was so calm! We ran along the boardwalk. There were a number of fishermen out & about and a cheeky yellow billed kite tried his luck at swooping down to steal some bait but he was unlucky! Then we ran up a huge hill and meandered back home though the hilly parts of old Ballito! It was a great run!

Friday 23rd November 2012 - REST Day

Saturday 24th November 2012 - 14km Coastal Sheffield run to Christmas Bay
I was up at 4:30am to get ready for a 5am run and while sitting on my patio having my coffee, I saw pink streaming through the trees, so I went to see the sunrise and the sky was so beautiful...this was the treat that awaited me...exquisite!

Ballito North Coast, KZN at 4:45am - incredibly beautiful!
Tammy and I had a wonderful hilly 14km run and it was great to see fellow running club members on the road! I could certainly feel that I have missed 2 weekend of long runs due to gastro and social festivities! No more of that - Antarctica marathon is so close now!

Sunday 11th November - 7km boardwalk run

A very windy but good 7km run with Tammy!

Good 7km run this morning in a very windy Ballito - good Antarctica training in the wind! My cap blew off & had to retrieve it from a garden through a fence with a long stick! And we came across a precious mongoose family with a cute baby!!! Have a wonderful Sunday!

Training in summary
Total km for the week - 35km
Total Hours for the week 5hrs

Fundraisers on the go for Oceanites (www.oceanites.org)

1. I've donated my birthday to Oceanites. 

To support or sponsor to raise funds for Oceanites to ensure I get an Antarctica entry click here: 

There is a 5 year waiting list to do Antarctica Marathon but 1 spot for 2013 as a fundraiser for NPO Oceanites and thats me! So really hoping to achieve my target of R150 000 so I can Run 7 x 7 in 1 year for change in SA!

Weekly Inspiration...

Joel Osteen  “You’ve been destined to live in victory, destined to overcome, destined to leave your mark on this generation!!!”

Listen to this beautiful song called "I was Here", performed by Beyonce at the UN World Humanitarian Day to Inspire people all over the world to make a difference no matter how big or small for someone else.

Have an awesome week
Kruger Park Skukuza half marathon
4th August 2012